Tuesday, December 14, 2010

KOC Advanced Barb Guide

This guide is for players who have been playing Kingdoms of Camelot for at least a little bit of time and have decent upgrades to their research. That does not mean all level 10, but mostly level 8-10 research levels. This guide is also for 0 losses on your attacks.

Minimum Archers to Kill Barbarian Camps

  1. Level 1 - 000 Archers
  2. Level 2 - 000 Archers
  3. Level 3 - 000 Archers
  4. Level 4 - 000 Archers
  5. Level 5 - 15,000 Archers
  6. Level 6 - 27,000 Archers

Least Heavy Cavalry to Kill Barbarian Camps

  1. Level 1 - 1,000 HC
  2. Level 2 - 1,900
  3. Level 3 - 4,000
  4. Level 4 - >5,000
  5. Level 5
  6. Level 6

If you have better numbers please share them with us!

1 comment:

  1. Lvl 1 Barbarian Camp - 450 Archers & 500 Supply Troops
    Lvl 2 Barbarian Camp - 1200 Archers & 1020 Supply Troops
    Lvl 3 Barbarian Camp - 3000 Archers & 1410 Supply Troops
    Lvl 4 Barbarian Camp - 7500 Archers & 1305 Supply Troops
    Lvl 7 Barbarian Camp - 46800 Archers (Lvl 9 fletching)
    Level 8 Barbarian Camp - 28k Ballistae, LVL 10 Fletching, Knight LVL 91+
    Level 9 Barbarian Camp - 56K Ballistae Fletching LVL 10, Knight LVL 98+, Full Loot, No Losses

    Also, why would you ever use HC for Barbs? Cavalry are faster, carry more and are quicker and cheaper to train. Cavalry can only be used on Levels 1 thru 3 however. Numbers are as follows;

    Level 1 - 1000 Light Cav
    Level 2 - 2000 Light Cav
    Level 3 - 4500 Light Cav
