Tuesday, December 14, 2010

KOC Barbarian Camps Guide for No Losses

I have found this to be a conservative Barbarian Camps Guide. So this is ideal for people who definitely don't want losses to a camp, or they have relatively low research levels for their timed played.

Barbarian camps are by far the best way to gain food and sustain a highend KOC army. Not only that, but they provide an excellent source of wood.

It takes 1 hour for a Barbarian Camp to reset and regenerate full resources.

Barbarian Camps Guide:

Level 1 Barbarian Camp:
You attack with: 500 Supply Troops and 450 Archers
Barbarians have: 500 Supply Troops and 500 Militiamen

Level 2 Barbarian Camp:
1,020 Supply Troops and 1,200 Archers OR
1,000 Supply Troop & 1,100 Militiamen & 1,200 Pikeman
Barbarians have:1,000 Supply Troops, 1,000 Militiamen, 500 Scouts, and 500 Pikemen

Level 3 Barbarian Camp:
1410 Supply Troops and 3,000 Archers
Barbarians have: 2,000 Supply Troops, 2,000 Militia, 1,000 Scouts, 1,000 Pikemen, and 500 Swordsmen

Level 4 Barbarian Camp:
600 Supply Troops and 7500 Archers OR
1,000 Supply Troop & 1,000 Militiamen & 2,000 scout & 2,500 Pikeman
2500 Swordsmen & 2500 Archers
Barbarians have: 5,000 Supply Troops, 5,000 Militia, 2,000 Scouts, 2,000 Pikemen, 1,000 Swordsmen, 500 Archers

Level 5 Barbarian Camp:
16,000 Archers
Barbarians have: 10,000 Supply Troops, 10,000 Militia, 5,000 Scouts, 5,000 Pikemen, 2,000 Swordsmen, 1,000 Archers, 500 Cavalry

Level 6 Barbarian Camp:
33,000 Archers
Barbarians have: 15k Supply Troops, 15k Militia, 10,000 Scouts, 10,000 Pikemen, 5,000 Swordsmen, 2,000 Archers, 1,000 Cavalry

Level 7 Barbarian Camp:
47,000 Archers
Barbarians have: 30k Supply Troops, 30k Militia, 15k Scouts, 15k Pikemen, 10,000 Swordsmen, 5,000 Archers, 2,000 Cavalry, 500 Heavy Cavalry

Level 8 Barbarian Camp:
125k Archers with Attack & Defense Boosted 20%
Barbarians have: 60k Supply Troops, 60k Militia, 30k Scouts, 30k Pikemen, 15k Swordsmen,10,000 Archers, 5,000 Cavalry, 1,000 Heavy Cavalry

Level 9 Barbarian Camp:
45k Archers and 45k Ballista
Barbarians have: 120k Supply Troops, 120k Militia, 60k Scouts, 60k Pikemen, 30k Swordsmen, 15k Archers, 10,000 Cavalry, 2,000 Heavy Cavalry

Level 10 Barbarian Camp:
125k Catapults (minimal losses)
Barbarians have: 250k Supply Troops, 250k Militia, 120k Scouts, 120k Pikemen, 60k Swordsmen, 30k Archers, 15k Cavalry, 4,000 Heavy Cavalry


  1. This is outdated badly. You can raid camps with 75k Flame Archers with no losses, if your fletching is maxed out, you can do it with 50k FArchers/
