Tuesday, November 9, 2010

KOC Knight Guide & Help

* Kingdoms of Camelot knight loyalty does not appear to be implemented yet as of 12/14/2010.

As soon as you can, appoint a knight to each of the 4 roles for each city.

Who to Train with Kay, Train with Galahad, Train with Arthur

It seems that the best knight role to use early experience crests on (such as Training with Kay or Training with Arthur) is the knight steward. The description of the steward is: "This Knight will use their Resourcefulness to improve your Resource production."

Another great option to plan further down the road is the Marshall Knight who uses the Combat skill. The reasoning for this is because he helps train troops faster and can be used to lead your army in critical attacks. A high combat knight can be the difference in high end player battles.

KOC Knight Experience

Knights gain experience according to the Knights' Hall of the town they are in. This means that if you have idle knights you probably want to sit them in your highest level knights' hall because then they will make more experience (while doing nothing).

Once you log in each day, it's a great idea to assign skill for each of your knights before you begin building.

When you start a building or unit-training, the attributes of all your upgrades and knight's skill will be the factors determining how long the project will be or successful the attack. In other words, if you have 1000 archers in the queue to be trained, and then you upgrade something to hasten the training, it will not help the units already queued.

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